Crispy Baked Chicken Breast with Homemade Ranch & Men Amongst Mountains

I was having a strange craving – for those fried crispy chicken cutlets that you often find on salads, between crappy white hamburger buns or next to sides of ranch. I don’t know anywhere in Seattle that makes these, so I decided to make my own. I didn’t want to deep fry them, because I […]

Baked Beet Chips with Berbere & Villains

I’ve recently be pleasantly surprised by a few things in my life. The first is the book The Untethered Soul. It is full of deep thoughts and I know it is changing my life. I can go into it more, but reach out to me if you want to hear it. It isn’t for the […]

Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins & Surfacing

Its hard for me to sit still. If there is something to be done, some task or even something on my to-do list, it usually gets done ASAP. My grandmother also had this trait. She was always cleaning, always straightening, always doing. We used to joke with her that she couldn’t relax. Perhaps one day […]

Japanese Curry Hand Pies & Pink Moon

I used to hate the flavor of Japanese curry. While living in Japan in middle school and high school, the hatred only grew exponentially day by day. I couldn’t put a word or reason behind it, although to this day I think it was because I wasn’t thrilled with having to move to Japan in […]

Spicy Roasted Chicken with Garbanzo Beans & Pyromania

I’m sort of a pyromaniac especially when I’m camping. I love candles, watching fire, tending fires and occasionally creating really big bonfires. All with safety in mind of course. Fortunately, I’ve never had a close call or anything similar. A cautious pyromaniac potentially. The closest was when I was camping with a good friend, years […]