Vegan Mediterranean-Inspired Bowl & Flashdance

Happy New Year! How do you start off your year? If you are like 40% of Americans, you probably make resolutions to get focused on your health, exercise and generally start off on the ‘right’ foot. I used to think this was ridiculous, why not be on the ‘right’ foot all year long? However I’ve […]

Kale and Green Olive Pasta & Beneath the Brine

Is it so amazing to me that when things are going well in life; work is a dream (it actually really truly is!), my relationship is so strong, friends are so positive and the sun seems to be shining on everything in life at this moment, I want to spend minimal time in the kitchen! […]

Cashew Kale Salad with Miso Chickpeas & Giants

In case it wasn’t obvious, I love delicious food. Food has the power to completely transform a bad day or take a meal and make it one to remember for years to come. Above all, food’s ability to heal, to improve health, similar to how spinach gives Popeye inhuman strength, is absolutely incredible. I am […]